Missonal, Relational, Kingdom Oriented, Spirit Led


Welcome to Pioneer Network Australia

Pioneer Network Australia is an ‘apostolic’ network of churches with denominational status.

Alongside others, we are committed to the re-evangelisation of our nation and to see the Kingdom of God expressed in every sphere of society and culture.

We believe that the church is the primary, though not exclusive, agent of the Kingdom of God and our vision is to see strong, diverse and healthy churches planted and existing churches resourced and growing.

At present those of us who are members all have uniquely different types of church and ministries. We love this! We are not looking to become the same. We are looking to become effective Christian communities that effectively represent Christ well and reach people in the locations we’ve been planted.

We acknowledge that Pioneer is a ‘small cog in a much bigger wheel’ but we want to play our part strongly, securely and humbly.

At the core of Pioneer is a heart for unity in the Body of Christ. Our churches are engaged in community and seek to serve and act in partnership with other churches and networks in accordance with our relational values.


Pioneer Network Australia Leader Conference Online, 17th to 18th July 2020




Linda Ward
Interim Leader Pioneer Network Australia (on behalf of the PNA Board)